Sunday, July 17, 2011

What is the best PlayStation 3 RPG?

My Xbox recently got RROD, so now I'm getting a PS3 and have some money to get a couple games ($128.05, to be exact). I am really into RPGs, because I like to customize my character. I am definitely going to get Crysis 2 and inFAMOUS (the first one), which will leave me with $76.02. I was really into Dragon Age: Origins when I had it, but I only got through it once with a rogue because I couldn't kill the Archdemon (I sucked and gave up). I used to also have Dragon Age 2 for Xbox, and liked how you could control your attacks, but I got barely past the Deeproads expedition until it RRODed. I have about 5 choices: Dragon Age: Origins Ultimate Edition, Dragon Age 2 Bioware Signature Edition, Fallout 3 GOTY, Final Fantasy, or Dungeon Siege III. I can get two of those 5 choices, unless there is anything better (and please don't say Oblivion, because I've beaten it about 5 times). I'm looking for one that has character customization, so can you please help?BTW I don't want any fanboy crap from you 360 fans, you have to admit the PS3 is the better console, so SHUTUP. Thanks!

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